Antonello Galipò

About me

A geek with a passion for Yoga and stuff.

I'm a software engineer and also a registered Yoga teacher.
Currently dedicating passion to Specialty Coffee and Gin (not in an alcoholic way!)
Former lead organizer and speaker for the GDG Milan community.
Born with a focus on mobile, my focus is now on finding ways to automate as much as possible the digital tasks of everyday life so that people get more out of their free time.
Other than that, I enjoy watching TV shows, playing video games and board games, traveling and cooking.


A Flutter lover with an Android heart.

An ex Flutter pioneer who now wizards web scraping

Born a mobile developer, I'm now specialized in hacking the web to make automations possible.
Experience ranges from Web Scraping to LLMs, passing by Flutter and React, and backend is thrown to the mix
My motto is: if it works, why not automate it?





The road so far...

Lead Engineer


January 2022 - Current

January 2022 - March 2023: Web Automation Core

First team I joined in Klarna, the focus of the Core team is to provide the core functionalities for all the automation that are offered by the teams in the Browser And Automation Group. The team is responsible for the development and maintenance of the core libraries that are used to extract information from web pages and provide them through a unified interface despite the high variety of the web. The team is also responsible for providing APIs and tools that allow other teams to interact with web pages. My role was full stack developer, from the lowest level of web scraping up until database work to store knowledge data to improve the features.

March 2023 - Present *********** Team

Working as a Lead engineer in a new team responsible for a feature which is not public yet. The feature involves extensive work using LLMs in a new and extremely scalable and cost-reduced way.

Senior Flutter Developer

@Crispy Bacon Srl

March 2019 - November 2021

A2A Toolbox App

One man team for the mobile front end of the A2A CityEye platform, which allows to perform queries on the data gathered by iot sensors placed all around the territory.
The app is provided as a tool for installation personnel, allowing to perform installations, substitutions, replacements and other operations in an easy way through the app.
After a kickoff, the project was passed to another developer (I was moved due to organization necessities to another) who completed last tasks and brought it to production.

TooA app

One of a 4 developers team, I've mentored junior devs about Flutter and actively participating to the development of an app which interacts via bluetooth with a domestic machine for ice cream production and allows the customer to purchase products (machines, pods for making ice cream) from an eCommerce platform (Salesforce) and browse through contents offered by a CMS (strapi).

Widiba Banking App

Member of a 2 people team of Flutter developers working on the Widiba banking app, leading the tech aspects of the project. Working strictly side by side with the designers, my job is to mix clean coding with development of high customised Widgets and business logic structures in order to meet edge design demands while keeping a maintainable, future proof codebase which satisfies the functional demands. Brought the app in production on March 2020, after starting and leading the project from scratch.

Android Developer and Full Stack Developer

@Ubiquicom Srl

November 2017 - March 2019

I’ve worked on the TrackVision project, which sees involved a cloud-connected multitude of devices used for 360° diagnostic of industrial vehicles. As an Android developer I’ve worked on a companion app for spatial calibrations using the Android fused sensors. As a full-stack dev, my job is to maintain, improve and enhance the TrackVision Web Application, which is used by the customers to access data and configurations.


Products and experiments

Yogamilan App

The app is not mantained by me anymore

Freelance work carried out in parallel with my full time job which involved the development of an application for the Yoga studio I currently practice to. The app allows the user to check notifications, Facebook feed from the studio, see available lessons and manage their bookings. Developed with Flutter, the app is available in both Play Store and App Store, under the publisher “Tobabo Srl” who provided me the deployment certificates.

And many smaller ones...